I won't wait any longer for the opportunity to get his 15 month onesie pics done before I post this! Alrighty, so 15 months, here we go!
Growth: At his 15 month well-child check, Soren weighed 23.0 lbs (54%), and was 32 inches tall (75%)...perfect! He is a tall skinny kiddo which makes it difficult to find pants that well! I'm lovin the adjustable waist jeans but they're hard to come by and the elastic waste pants just hang on him. At any rate, he is in 18 month clothes and size 4 shoe.
Eating: This kids eats a ton! We will eat almost anything you offer him. He doesn't seem to be a huge fan of tortillas as I think they are still hard to chew and break down. He loves his whole milk, and very rarely has juice; he does like the Silk Fruit & Protein smoothie drinks though. Soren loves his vegetables, I would say his favorites are peas and carrots. I have no concerns about this kid eating enough or being a picky eater in the future! He also loves eating whatever mom and dad are eating and will throw a tantrum until we let him try what we are eating.
Sleeping: Well, Soren can sleep well when not sick. When he is sick, he is up every 1.5-2 hours at night... so so tough! He is currently being treated for a double ear infection which caused 4 bad nights in a row...mommy was exhausted! I brought him back yesterday because he was still tugging on his ears and not sleeping well and the pediatrician we saw might be my new favorite person in the world; she shared that likely Soren's nighttime issues are due to his reflux. He is prescribed 2mL per day, but she said based on his weight now, he should be getting 2.4mL. Last night I gave him the correct dosage and he slept 14 hours! We shall see how tonight goes, but I'm hopeful! On average good nights, he sleeps from 7:30-6:30, then often gets a sippy of milk and will go back to sleep until 8:30/9:30.
Likes: Baths, opening drawers, food, stuffed monkey, exploring (walking around in hallways and outside), Sesame Street (particularly Elmo), dancing, throwing empty dog bowls on hardwood floor, pulling things off shelves, being naked and running around, his pacis, and school. Soren finds very little interest in toys and much interest in household items.
Dislikes: Well in true toddler style, it changes by the second, but consistent dislikes are being told 'no' and having to wait.
Development: Soren is learning things so quickly, it's so fun to see what new thing he will learn/do! He's talking, 'singing', working on building blocks (can consistently do 2, sometimes 3), social with peers at school, and can climb stairs. I've also seen him recently trying to unscrew bottle tops. He can drink from a cup with some spilling (not too bad), and is working on feeding himself with a spoon. We are seeing very little separation anxiety, likely due to taking him so many places and many people caring him.
Speech: Can say "Aaa Da" (All Done), "Dat" (That) "Cheeth" (Cheese), "Papa" (Papa), and although he can't yet say them he understands many commands including finding his ball, "Go", "Monkey", and "eat". Soren LOVES books, and will often 'read' them with many different sounds and point to pictures and words...it is very very cute!
Reflux: Well, it sounds like Soren is not ready to wean from his Zantac anytime soon. I am considering taking him to a chiropractor to see if any magic can be done.
Other randoms: Soren has 12 teeth now, including 4 molars. We are waiting on the canines (which look like they're getting close) and the 2-year molars then we will be done!!!! I've also discovered that Soren has sensitive skin and needs frequent diaper changes during the day and a sposie at night with Extra-strength Desitin to prevent diaper rashes. He also gets dry rashy skin on his body now that the weather is getting cooler. Soren started in a Thursday morning parent-child ECFE class and we all think it's pretty great! Soren likes to be the center of attention during song and story time and will go in the middle of the circle and dance with a huge smile, then walk up to each person in the circle and give them hugs...one of these days I want to get a video! His favorite activities at school include the water sensory table (surprise surprise), cars, books, and ball mazes. He shows very little interest in the dramatic play and art stations. He recently discovered how cool it is to crawl through a tunnel.
Reading at ECFE during "Meet the Teacher" night |
So Big! First day of ECFE |
Working on building blocks |
"Diesel, doesn't look this cookie look yummy?!?" |
First of Grandma's famous cookies! |
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New haircut and a happy happy boy |
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Seriously handsome. Seriously. |