Soren is celebrating his Golden birthday this year...Big.Number.FIVE. He has grown and developed so much this past year, it's been great to watch.
Likes: Marble Runs, Snacks, Making "Machines" out of random toys, swimming, playing at the park, Kindle apps, Julius Jr. shows, Bo on the Go shows, Mutt n' Stuff shows, helping cook, drawing pictures, collecting rocks, camping, cats and dogs, bowling, Uno, farting and laughing, trips to Nana Cheryl's, forts and flashlights, workbooks, muffins, "trapping" himself under laundry baskets, making pillow nests and jumping on the bed
Dislikes: Large groups of people, riding his bike (though he is slowly starting to warm up to it), bugs, movies at the theater (such a travesty!), ice skating
Favorite foods: Pizza Ranch, Chipotle, waffles and pancakes, ice water, carrots and ranch, peas, Doughnuts, Ice cream, "snacks", cheese pizza
Foods he dislikes: strawberries, tomatoes, mom's ideas for dinner (even though most of the time he loves them)
Development: He dresses himself (though sometimes he puts them on backwards/inside out/crooked), washes his hands by himself, has made some friends at preschool, writes his name like a pro, learning mom and dad's phone numbers, knows the sounds of each letter, can rhyme simple words, starting to ask questions about death (especially following the loss of our rescued cat), learning to swim
Things I want to remember:
- When asked when his birthday is, he says "July 5th Summer";
- "Momma, you're the mom boss at our house";
- Him singing "We built this city on rock n roll" in the bathtub;
- When he made multiple attempts of staying up longer by coming out of his room and saying the sun is keeping him up (even though it was dark) and then asking "Well what are you gonna do about it?" when I told him the sun already went to sleep and he needed to also;
- Making cheese and cracker sandwiches with cheese on the outside and cracker on the inside;
- When he wanted to rock at bedtime with me after being at dad's for 5 days;
- When he gives me play money for "making dinner";
- "Momma, I came up with a new game. It's called 'Who made that smell?'";
- Me: "Soren, you need to give momma some privacy when she's using the bathroom." Soren: "But momma, I need to protect me if you need something";
- His love for T. Swift's "Shake it Off" and dancing to it with momma in the car, asking momma to "Turn on our song!";
- His "Bear Hunt" song;
- As he's eating his doughnut, he says "It's a great day today, isn't it?";
- "Momma, I love you. You're my best girl"