1. Listening to my child cry makes me want to cry...I have no problems staying calm listening to other people's children cry, but when Soren cries, it makes my heart break
2. The first thing people ask you when they see/find out you have a new baby, is "How is he sleeping?" It's still changing every night, but on average it's every 3 hours. And yes it is hard.
3. I love that I have the special touch of calming my child down. I love how I'm learning what he loves
4. Having an infant is not too terribly difficult. Luckily, my child is not a crier, and when he does cry it's usually because his paci fell out or he's hungry. They basically eat, sleep, and poop. Having a toddler I think will be much more demanding.
5. People LOVE babies. I can't tell you how many strangers have come up and talked to me after seeing Soren.
6. Point the penis down.
7. The "mother worry" is intense and very real.
8. When Soren turns his head towards me when he hears my voice, it makes my heart melt
9. Daddies have very special roles in a child's life; but mommies take on alot more responsibilities in regards to child-rearing. Why is that?
10. Mommy intuition is like none-other. If you feel like something is wrong, follow your gut.
11. Take burp rags and the paci EVERYWHERE you go. We have burp rags (prefold cloth diapers) laying all over our apt.
12. People are opinionated about everything related to child-rearing. Take in what's helpful and forget everything that's not.
13. Noticing yourself mirror your child's smile makes you smile even more.
14. The "baby smell" is the smell of spit-up... but I still love it :-)
15. Shopping at the mall with a stroller makes you realize how few elevators there are
To be continued...
#9 That's how God designed us. A man's main role is provider and protector. The woman's main role is home and children. Mom and Dad work together sometimes, but even when home, the man has many other jobs to take care of. That's just how it is.