Runny breastmilk poo. Awesome. Well, we both needed a bath anyway, I figured, so I get the bathtub ready and we take a bath together. Everything's going great, he calms down and loves being in the water. I get out of the bathtub with him and go grab my cell phone so I could take a picture of his cute hair. As I'm walking back to the bathroom he projectile vomits all.over.himself, and clean, mind you.

Not only is he covered in curdled breastmilk spit-up, so is the floor on the way leading from his bedroom to the bathroom.

Grrr, so we hop back in the bathtub to get him rinsed off. We then get out, head back to his room and I start changing him into his bedtime pajamas. Well what-do-you-know, he projectile spits up all over his clean pajamas. So new clean pajamas round 2 go on. I'm still undressed myself, so we head to my bedroom and I put him propped up on the Boppy, but as I do so, I look down and notice this:

Cat vomit all over our bedroom sheets. Fabulous. 1.5 hours of pure chaos in our home passes, it's now 10:00 and 2 loads of laundry are in and little man is sleeping.

But look at this little precious, innocent man; today was "Just Another Day in Paradise".

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