Soren's been making leaps-and-bounds in his development, it's so fun to see all the new things he's doing! Soren's latest favorite game is "airplane", see for yourself below:

Last Monday (October 10th), I took him in for his 3 month checkup and shots. He weighed 11lbs. 4oz., and was 24 inches long. He's getting to be a such a big boy, and his chunky monkey self is adorable! We brought pictures of him in for his pediatrician and the nurses and they all went nuts over his adorableness, especially this pic:

He received 4 shots that day and an oral vaccine as well :-(. I don't know why I'm letting them do that many all at once, it's just wreaking havoc on his little system. That night he SCREAMED in such a different cry, a cry of desperation and pain, and I cried too and had to call my momma for relief :-(. Luckily we headed over to grandma and grandpa's and they helped out! I knew to give him tylenol after last month's shots, so that helped. However, since last Monday, his BMs have been pretty much non-existent. On Wednesday, I gave him Miralax after he hadn't gone on his own, then had to do the same on Friday, though that didn't work. On Friday I caved and did a suppository because he just kept grunting whenever he passed gas and seemed to be uncomfortable. Since that Friday suppository I have been giving him 1 oz. a pear juice a day, and he finally had a BM on his own on Sunday! It's funny how I get so excited over poop nowadays.
As I mentioned before, I have been starting to get Soren used to his crib at night. After his night routine and I rocked him to sleep, I would put him in his crib, and he would sleep there for up to an hour, then wake up. Well two nights ago, he shocked both Brian and I, and slept in his crib from 11-3:30am (4.5 hours), and even woke up on one occasion and fell back asleep on his own. I will never let him 'cry it out', but now I've learned if he's just kinda talkin' or making silly noises, I let him be, and by golly, he fell back asleep! Last night he slept in his crib from 12-5! I myself am having a hard time sleeping now though, worrying about him and waiting for him to wake up...I don't really know what to do with myself. After he wakes up, I just bring him into our bed, nurse him, and we both fall back asleep. It's nice to not have the pressure of him *needing* to sleep through the night or under any parameters if I was working full-time.
Speaking of work, well, that's a current topic of discussion these days. I wouldn't even say 'discussion', I would say 'necessity'. Finances are getting harder to handle with me out of work, so I'm definitely starting to feel the pressure of finding a job as soon as possible. I had an interview but I wasn't called back for a 2nd, so I just continue to apply and apply and hopefully one of these days I'll find something (social-work career-related). It is what it is. That's life.
In other exciting news, Soren is now a roller! At his dr. appt. on Monday, she put him on his tummy on the exam table, and he rolled over, almost off the table! I knew he was getting close, but that was kind-of a shocker! Two nights ago, he rolled over from tummy-to-back 3 times in a row, and now he's doing it pretty consistently. He's getting to be such big boy! Here's a video I took this morning:
I also took some Fall pictures of him, but they didn't turn out the greatest as it was windy and he wouldn't fully open his eyes, but here's some of the better ones:
He totally has a "hey ladies, I'm a stud muffin" look on this one:
(He is a total stud-muffin!)
I think that's it for now, I will do a special post on his baptism hopefully this week, I want to try and take some cute pics in his adorable handmade outfit my mom made him! Just Soren and I are going down to IA this weekend to visit the in-laws and celebrate grandpa's birthday! Should be fun!
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