Brian and I chose two sets of godparents for Soren, Monica & Kyle, and Jeanna & Ben. Monica & Kyle were the maid-of-honor and best man in our wedding, Monica and I have been friends for quite some time, and Kyle and Brian are cousins. After our wedding, Monica and Kyle started dating each other, and eventually got married, and had a daughter of their own a few months before Soren. They are very strong in their faith and values, which we feel will be good for Soren as he grows older. Jeanna is a longtime friend with whom I've grown in our church, and we still remain great friends today. Jeanna and I were raised very similarly in our values and we felt as though her and her husband Ben would bring another perspective on Christianity to Soren's spiritual growth.
Brian and I both want Soren to be raised in the Lutheran church, HOWEVER, we also want him to be educated on many different faiths and spiritual practices, so that when the time comes for him to make his decision on his own, he can do it with knowledge and confidence. Whatever path Soren chooses as he gets older, whether it be spiritual practice, sexuality preference, career choice, etc., Brian and I will support him, as loving parents do. We pray that as he grows and matures, that he will know the love of Christ and the love of his parents, family, and godparents.
Here are some pictures and video of his baptism:

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