I can't believe Soren is 5 months already! That just seems so crazy to me! Last week, Soren weighed 14 lbs. 2 oz., and was 25 inches long.
Eating: Soren has been an on-demand feeder, and as of lately, there's no rhyme or reason to when he wants to eat. When he wants to eat, he eats. It generally is every 2 hours but I've been noticing my milk supply has been running low again (*bangs head on table*) and so he's not getting much, then wants to eat every hour sometimes. We visited the Lactation Consultant last week, and he only took in 2 oz. before I ran dry. Unfortunately he's been receiving more formula bottles lately. Once I go back to work Monday, I imagine he'll fall back into a routine feeding schedule. Trying to boost my supply and meet his needs is going to be tough. I just need to remind myself that any little bit helps. He is also becoming curious about food and will look at my food while eating, sometimes following it up to my mouth. He's grabbed for my food once, but not consistently yet. We are waiting to feed him solids until we get the pediatrician okay in January, though he has had a lick of stuff here and there.
Sleeping: Soren goes to sleep between 9:30-10 and wakes up between 4-6am. Last night he slept from 9:30-5:30 (8 hours), which was awesome! I'm slowly starting to move back his bedtime, so tonight he went to bed at 8:45 and he seemed to do great! As long as we follow our routine, I think he knows it's nighty-night. One thing that I have discovered is that the poor little guy has night terrors. He cries in his sleep, pouty-lip and big sniffle breaths and all, but he's still sleeping. The other morning he was doing this and I tried to wake him up and it only served to make him cry in big ways...the cry that I know means he's really hurting or scared. I'm going to talk to his pediatrician about it at his 6 month appt. but from what I know, trying to wake him up only exacerbates it. It's hard to imagine what could be so terrifying at 5 months old, but it definitely is the saddest thing I've ever seen :-( . Most times when he wakes up though, he gets a HUGE smile on his face and squeals when he sees me. He'll even do this after I have just rocked him to sleep and lay him in his crib. Soren is somewhat of a high-maintenance sleeper. He almost always rubs his eyes when he is tired. He doesn't take a nap for longer than an hour during the day, most times it's about 15-30 mins. He needs it to be quiet, he likes to nurse/eat a bottle when falling asleep, and he likes movement. Usually I'll rock him, but sometimes that doesn't cut it and I end up pacing and bouncing him. We have an air purifier in his room that we use as white noise that I believe drowns out little noises that could wake him up. It's pretty easy to rock him to sleep in his own room for naps when I turn the air purifier on.
Development: Soren rolls from tummy to back great now, and rolled from back to tummy the other day. When placed in a sitting position, he will fall, but I think his little abs are getting ready, and one of these days he will be able to. He also enjoys being a standing position, and going from a laying-to-standing position. His little legs are pretty strong! Soren is becoming much more interested in toys, and manipulates ring toys and spinners on his jumperoo. He can now touch the floor in his jumperoo but he doesn't jump yet as any sudden movement still startles him. Soren is becoming very social now and enjoys making many different sounds and facial expressions. He enjoys squealing quite loudly ;-). When I leave the room, he will sometimes visually follow me and start to cry if I run out to the garage to bring something in...as soon as he sees me, he's fine. If a 'stranger' (to him) holds him, he will look at me and look for safety and re-assurance that he's okay... it's pretty cool to see the attachment process at work within my own self and my child. Soren also has little nubs on his gums and is drooling quite a bit and chewing on everything he can. I have a feeling a little tooth is going to pop out soon.
Likes: Soren enjoys sucking on his fist and fingers, squealing and 'talking', interactive games between him and Brian or myself, bath time, eating, Sophie the giraffe, watching youtube videos on daddy's lap, t.v., music, shopping :-)
Dislikes: Within the last week, I've noticed Soren has begun to dislike car rides. He's good for a little while, but anything over 15 mins. and he starts to fuss. Today I had fed him before we left our friends, and within 5 mins. he was fussing. We pulled into a gas station so I could nurse him some more and as soon as I took him out of the carseat he went from instant fussing to instant squealing and laughing...little stinker! When he cries in the car, it breaks my heart when I can't console him right away. There's been way too many times that we've been stuck in traffic or almost home and he screams in such a cry of desperation. Not gonna lie, I get teary when he does it.
Soren also still dislikes getting his clothes changed. Whatever arm we try putting in the sleeve, is always the hand he tries to suck on. He also hates when I interrupt his feeding to burp him or switch sides...he has a very distinct fuss for that, it kinda makes me laugh :-). Other than that, he's a pretty happy boy.