Sunday, June 26, 2011

How Soren got his name

Here's the story of how Soren got his name, written on February 14, 2011 (Valentine's Day), the day we found out we were expecting a little boy:

B and I have been struggling for quite some time for a boy's name. There were names we liked, but we couldn't find one that we both were in love with. After the ultrasound, B said that he couldn't stand knowing we have a boy on the way and not having a name for him yet. As we were driving out of the parking lot after the ultrasound, B said "Well a name came to mind the other day, but I don't know if you'll like it" (mind you we've been saying this for years with different ideas). So I asked what it is, and he said "Soren". Huh. I wondered. Well, it's okay, but it's not a name that I fell in love with the instant I heard it. THEN (this will be taken out of the baby book ;-), I bargained with DH...I told him if we named our child Soren, then we get to have the wall decal for his room that I loved, but DH was not a fan of. (Yes, I'm a terrible terrible mother already). We chuckled, but really I kinda secretly liked the name too. Throughout the whole day I kept echoing in my head "Soren", "Soreeee", "A-So-So-So-So-So-So" (yup I'm big in the nickname department). The name began to grow on me; I was really beginning to fall in love with it. However, it wasn't until later that evening that I really fell in love with it.

My brother's girlfriend had said she was learning about the Danish philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard in one of her religion classes. Later that night I looked him up on Wikipedia, and discovered that his philosophies on Christianity fell closely in line with my own. He lived his life philosophizing that it isn't the nitty-gritty details of Christianity that are important, but the personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Soren Kierkegaard also fought for social justice and stood up for Women's rights. I knew then-and-there that we had found "the one", and I felt good about it.

Interestingly enough while doing more research on the name "Soren" tonight, I found that it is a character in a Fire Emblem video game. Ha! So that's where my hubby got the name from!!!

So to sum it up, our boy will be a video-game playing, praying and preaching Christian, and an advocate for social justice. And somehow, I can't imagine anything more perfect.

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