Sunday, August 21, 2011

Our First Family Camping Trip

For many years when I dreamed of having a family, one of the first experiences that came to mind which I wanted to share with my children was camping. Growing up, my mom and step-dad took us camping almost every year. Since Brian and I got married, we've been camping every Summer. I couldn't wait to take Soren camping and start all sorts of fun traditions! Last year our extended family started a first annual family camping trip, this year marked our second. This year we stayed at Banning State Park in Minnesota (where we're from which has AWESOME state parks!). Camping with a baby was a bit challenging at times, but we had a great time and are thankful for the help our family provided. The first evening we arrived we set up camp, and made brats, hot dogs, and beans for dinner. We quickly found out how terrible the mosquitoes were, and this whole weekend I was VERY thankful I bought screen netting to put over So-so's car seat and stroller to keep the bugs away. In fact, I have 55 mosquito bites (yes I counted them), Soren has 0! That's a win in the momma department!

I was worried how he would sleep, but he did great! Brian and I have our own twin air mattresses (sleep MUCH better this way, trust me!), and although we brought our Rock n' Play sleeper, I had Soren sleep up curled on my arm because it was so cold, and I couldn't see him in his sleeper from sleeping down below on an air mattress. He was all cozy in his fleece swaddler and hat, it reminded me of when he was a newborn *tear*. The first night he slept for 5 hours straight before nursing, then another 4 hours!

All snuggled in, ready for bed

Good morning sweet boy!
On Saturday morning, my mom made doughnuts on the camp stove for breakfast, which has become a tradition in the family! Yum! After breakfast, the family went and explored the hiking trails, but I quickly discovered that the already-bad mosquito problem was 10 times worse in the woods. We went back to our campsite and took a little cat nap in our tent while Brian and the rest of the family continued to explore. Saturday for lupper we had Meatballs and Gravy and rice, also delish. Brian went home Saturday evening as he had to work on Sunday. Saturday evening a storm came through so Soren and I quickly ran to our tent and hung out. By the time the storm had passed, it was time for bed. Saturday night he was up every. 2. hours. Seriously. And I had to get up and walk to the toilet 3 times that night after his feedings. The temp. had gotten down to 51 degrees, it was pretty chilly, but luckily we came prepared and were able to stay warm under lots of blankets and wearing layers.

Sunday morning my mom made French toast, bacon, and eggs! After breakfast they went for one last hike while I took down our tent and screen tent and packed the car while Soren slept. I can say being 'on my own' with him Saturday evening and Sunday and having to pack up camp and put things away by myself was difficult- to all the single mommas out there who take their kids camping, I have so much respect for you!

Here are some things I learned about camping with a baby, in case you need some tips:
* Bring lots of layers of clothing for you and babe. Long sleeve shirts and pants are great because they protect from bugs (except these mosquitoes on steroids we encountered this weekend) and the sun; also hats for the babe if it gets cold
*Stroller and carrier are nice to have
* The convenience of breastfeeding really proved itself this weekend, no bottles to prepare
* Have a screen tent and bug netting
* A lantern in the tent is helpful for night feedings
* Be flexible
* Keep what you can in the vehicle in case a storm rolls through- caring for a baby really hinders your ability to quickly protect stuff

Next year will probably be even more of a challenge if he's learning how to walk (think dirt and mud), but I can't wait!

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